Parental involvement in early childhood education among the Ayta Mag-indi of Floridablanca, Pampanga, during the COVID-19 pandemic
Technology and critical literacy in early childhood
Educational explanations philosophy in empirical educational research
Human person gearing towards social development NSTP-CWTS 1 worktext for college students : an outcome-based education (OBE) approach
STEM and education technology in Bangladesh, Cambodia, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan a synthesis report
The contemporary relevance of John Dewey's theories on teaching and learning Deweyan perspectives on standardization, accountability, and assessment in education
Effects of dance on the attention of children with autism
Inclusionary culture, policies and practices in the education of children with special needs in residential institutions
Developing a learning management system selection framework for a Filipino non-traditional school a case study
ICT utilization among homeschooling families with adolescents a phenomenographic study