A - General Works 8,485
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion 35,387
C - Historical Sciences 17,266
D - World History 57,674
E - United States History 7,866
F - General American History 12,334
G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation 23,378
H - Social Science 171,170
J - Political Science 24,060
K - Law 22,520
L - Education 77,493
M - Music 20,047
N - Fine Arts 24,537
P - Language and Literature 118,807
Q - Science 81,573
R - Medicine 36,430
S - Agriculture 11,346
T - Technology 48,486
U - Military Science 2,080
V - Naval Science 3,508
Z - Library Science 10,327
Q - General Science 6,670
QA - Mathematics 25,934
QB - Astronomy 1,202
QC - Physics 9,083
QD - Chemistry 8,437
QE - Geology 3,540
QH - Natural History and Biology 9,341
QK - Botany 3,511
QL - Zoology 5,149
QM - Human Anatomy 1,105
QP - Physiology 5,515
QR - Microbiology 2,066
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